
New Music Education Website

October 17 2020
New Music Education Website

I’ve launched an online education website called Music Arts Collective, with the award winning bassist/educator Jodi Proznick, who is also my dear old friend going way back to my high-school days! Arts administrator Francesca Fung, formerly of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and Festival Vancouver, is keeping everything together as we develop online courses, workshops, YouTube videos, live stream conversations – and some very exciting musical collaborations.

Jodi and I have both been very active educators for many years doing workshops at festivals, schools, and summer camps – as well private and classroom instruction at post-secondary institutions like Humber College and Capilano U. We’re so excited to take our knowledge and enthusiasm online to share with the world.

Check out my Education Page for more info about Music Arts Collective and my own education projects and blog.

Or visit the MAC website to enrol in our online courses and workshops on topics like jazz rhythm section, improvisation, pop music, and online resources for educators:


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